Holiday Hello

Back from the Beach


My first year of full-time freelance came crashing in like a wave (in a good way). A month-long working vacation in Costa Rica was an amazing way to cap it all off.

Starting Studio Friends newsletter was quite an exciting experience. Like an inexperienced runner I charged out of the gate at a blistering pace. I was blissfully unaware that I was in the middle of a marathon. As business got really busy, I was unable to keep up with a monthly pace for this newsletter and things trailed off. I was lucky enough to spend the month of October in Costa Rica, where I managed to finish up some bigger projects and spend a little time adventuring around the country. After some much needed relaxation time, I wanted to touch base with all my Studio Friends and provide an update.

A note on the future of Studio Friends:

I learned a lot this year, and part of the journey has been achieving a sustainable balancing act between all the projects that comprise my schedule as a full time freelancer. Studio Friends newsletter will no longer be monthly, and may be a little sporadic in the coming months and years, but I look forward to sharing interesting updates from commercial illustration jobs, and occasional print releases!


Monthly Vibe

Love the colors and patterns on these 19th century tile designs at the National Museum in San Jose, Costa Rica.


I love getting good quality catsitter photos of Roast Beef while I'm away.

Ben Konkol